Youth Open Halaqat | Al-Salam Gr. 1 to 3 Girls YOH | Al-Salam Gr. 1 to 3 Girls Attendee Name(Required) First Last Attendee Grade(Required)Please enter a number from 1 to 3.Attendee Age(Required)Parent's Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone Number(Required)Add this contact as an emergency contact as well(Required) Yes No, add a different emergency contact Emergency Contact Name First Last Emergency Contact Email Emergency Contact PhoneMedia Consent(Required) I agree to the media consentI consent to my child’s pictures and/ or videos being taken and used by MAC Calgary and/ or its affiliates for marketing purposes. Waiver of Liability(Required) I agree to the waiver of liabilityIn agreeing to send my child to the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) activities and/or programs, I understand that MAC will not be liable for any loss, injury or death resulting from any risks outlined herein. I agree to waive my right and my child’s right to sue MAC for any loss, injury or death resulting from the risks outlined within this agreement. Release, Waiver of Liability, and Covenant Not to Sue For and in consideration of MAC, permitting my minor child to join any MAC activities, camps, programs, and being permitted to participate in any activity of any nature conducted thereon, I hereby: 1. Waive, release and discharge any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action I may have individually or on account of injury to my minor child, or on account of property damage or death resulting from personal injury suffered by my child or that members of my child’s household(s) may suffer, including the contraction of COVID-19 or any other Alberta Health declared diseases, caused in whole or in part by the negligence of MAC, its employees, volunteers, members, or other participants in the activity in which my child participates. 2. Agree to assume full responsibility for any risk of personal injury, property damage or death due to any negligence of MAC, its employees, volunteers, members, or other participants in the activity in which my minor child participates, while my minor child is engaged in such activities upon said premises and covenant not to sue MAC, its employees, volunteers or members, for or on account of personal injuries, property damage or death resulting from personal injury in consideration of the privilege of my minor child entering upon said premises and participate in such activities. 3. Agree, further, that my minor child will conduct herself/himself at all times in accordance with the policies, rules and regulations of MAC, and acknowledge that the privilege of being upon said premises and/or participation in such activities may be revoked if said policies, rules or regulations are not honored at all times. 4. Declare that it is my express and specific desire to allow my minor child to participate in this activity and I have voluntarily agreed to sign the within Release, Waiver of Liability and Covenant Not to Sue and have agreed not to hold others liable for any injuries my minor child might sustain. 5. Declare that it is my clear and specific intent by executing the within Release, Waiver of Liability and Covenant Not to Sue to release MAC, its employees, volunteers and members from any and all liability for personal injury caused by any negligence of MAC, its employees, volunteers or members. I acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is valid from the date I complete my child’s online registration form until the end of the MAC activity and/ or program date stated on the online registration form.