About MAC London

MAC London Chapter

The MAC London Chapter is one of 13 different Chapters of the Muslim Association of Canada and it was started in 2001 by a group of young sisters and brothers. Many of these sisters and brother were active members of Muslim Students Associations in their education and Chapter allowed these brothers and sisters continue work focused on youth. Initially, the group of sisters and brothers would meet to plan activities at the London Muslim Mosque, Western University campus, and each others’ homes, till they eventually were able to purchase the MAC Youth Centre. The Chapter has grown substantially since then with involvement of many more people, Centre locations, and services provided to the London community.

MAC London Chapter Committee

The MAC London Chapter is led by the Chapter Committee which oversees the operations, organization, and growth of the Chapter. The Chapter Committee has a Chapter Head, and Heads for the 5 key departments (Youth, Institutions, Outreach, Character Development, and Growth). Though many different volunteers have served in the Chapter Committee, the current members are as follows;

MAC London’s Key Objectives

As a guide for its effort the Chapter Committee has adopted the key strategic objectives below.

  • Build Human Capacity
  • Grow Financial Capacity
  • Maintain Positive Environment and Presentable Facilities
  • Build and Utilize Technology
  • Enhance Governance Systems
  • Optimize and Expand Existing Channels
  • Open New Strategic Channels
  • Expand Client Base
  • Develop and Build Leaders
  • Strengthen Marketing

MAC London’s Committee Structure

The diagram below provides a view of the organizational structure of MAC London Chapter. We actively seek to build our committee through diverse representation and to ensure there is collective participation and ownership of all efforts. We strongly encourage you volunteer as it is one of the most rewarding experiences, even though it can be quite demanding and depending on the committee and your level of commitment can involve anywhere between 3 to 10 hours a week.


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