Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated: March 31, 2023

Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu dear community members,

We have compiled some of the frequently asked questions regarding our current programs, projects and activities, as well as some of the questions that community members raise.

There are seven sections below:

  1. General Chapter Matters
  2. MAC Noor Gardens
  3. MAC Westmount Masjid
  4. MAC Hyde Park Masjid
  5. MAC Youth Centre Sale
  6. MAC Masonville Centre
  7. MAC Al-Furqan Quran School – London

If you do not find answers to your question here you may contact us at

1. General Chapter Matters

Over the past two decades MAC has grown to be the largest grass-roots Muslim organization with a national reach rooted in strong local chapters in 13 cities across Canada. With 18 community centers, 9 full-time schools, 20 weekend schools, 4 child care centers, MAC serves over 55,000 community members weekly across Canada. As an Islamic organization we understand Islam as outlined in the Quran, the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Sunnah) and our understanding of Islam is one of balance and moderation, constructive engagement in society, focus on personal and communal empowerment, and establishing value-based organizations. To learn more about MAC visit <> and visit the national FAQ page for questions related to the MAC organization as a whole <>.

MAC London chapter was started in 2001 by a group of young sisters and brothers. Many of these sisters and brother were active members of Muslim Students Associations during their education and the London Chapter allowed these brothers and sisters continue work focused on youth. Initially, the group of sisters and brothers would meet to plan activities at the London Muslim Mosque, Western University campus, and each others’ homes, till they eventually were able to purchase the MAC Youth Centre. Alhamdulillah the chapter has grown substantially since then with many more centres and a continued effort to cater to the needs of our youth, pre-teens, sisters, young professionals, and the community as a whole to build and establish the women and men who will lead our community in the future inshallah. For more information about the MAC London Chapter please visit <>.

MAC London for the past 20 years has focused on our youth by providing a wide spectrum of programs that cater especially to their evolving needs. We work closely with the high school MSAs and Western/Fanshawe to support programming even at their schools and campuses. Below are some key focus areas for the Chapter:

A) MAC Junior Department (Elementary school grades) – The focus of this team is to provide quality and regular programming that establishes the fundamentals of their islamic identity. Through topics such as Names of Allah, Stories of the Prophets, and Heroes in Islamic History, children develop a sense of familiarity and appreciation for their faith (see full list below). The sessions include practical learning such as Islamic mannerisms and respect for relationships with those around us. The team also supports the summer, winter, and March break day camps to ensure quality and consistent programs throughout the year for our children at MAC centres in the city.

  1. Names of Allah – 8 week program
  2. Names of Allah and Muslim manners – 6 week program
  3. Mighty Muslim heroes program – 12 week program
  4. Story of Prophet Esa – Dec 25th Weekend
  5. Love in Islam – Family Day Weekend

Please feel free to contact us via email ( or join our MAC Junior whatsapp group ( for the latest news.

B) MAC Youth Department (High School to 25 years) – This team aims to address the needs of our youth at the critical age where they are developing their sense of identity. A balanced approach is maintained through all activities to address their social needs, their need to develop into a responsible adult, and their spiritual needs to ensure they develop strong brotherhood/sisterhood bonds as well as give due attention to their relationship with Allah (swt). Examples of programming include the following:

  1. Brothers and Sisters Youth Groups (BYG/SYG) – Weekly session allowing Muslim youth to socialize in an Islamic environment with islamic reminders and discussions.
  2. Workshops & Halaqas: Training sessions to cover various Islamic and life skills topics through interactive and bonding sessions.
  3. Summer Camps: Fun filled program composed of interactive lectures, worship, and bonding activities to strengthen the identity of high school students.
  4. Retreats: Advanced programs and interactive sessions targeting post secondary youth.
  5. Field Trips/Sleepovers: Combine spiritual and social activities to strengthen identity.
  6. Qiyams/Iftars: Facilitates spirituality, learning and bonding of youth at the masajid and centres of our city.

C) Community Engagement – This team’s goal is to engage the muslim community with the wider community with the wider community and strengthen relationships with other organizations, especially in relation to our youth. Examples include:

  1. Food drive campaign to support the local food bank
  2. Blood Donor Clinics
  3. Toy drive campaign for those in need
  4. Disaster relief efforts
  5. Joint Eid celebrations with local organizations

D) Usar and Membership – This team focuses on building future leaders for our community to ensure our dawa work moves forward in a sustainable fashion. It entails a mentorship program for youth with experienced MAC members whereby they usually meet weekly to discuss various Islamic topics and practical concepts.

E) After school programming, halaqas and Al-Furqan Quran School

  1. After school Quran Classes: Daily classes available from Nooraniya level to learn basic Arabic reading as well as Hifz for memorizing the holy Quran. MAC London is home to two Part-Time evening schools for religious studies and Quran (with a third one starting soon at Masonville Centre inshaAllah). Each evening school hosts between 50 to 80 students.
  2. Weekend Quran Program: This program supplements public school education with Islamic and Arabic studies. We currently have two Weekend Schools with 100+ students each. So that’s about 300 students at least weekly and growing! This is a great opportunity for students to utilize their free time after school and on weekends to strengthen their identity, learn and excel.
  3. Al -Furqan Quran School: See section below discussing this unique full time school.

MAC London envisions accessible and active spaces for our youth and community members to grow and develop spiritually, socially, emotionally, and intellectually. MAC London has been involved with various institutional projects in London as listed below:

  1. MAC Youth Centre: This location was purchased and opened in 2006 and sold in 2020. The space allowed our youth to gather in a comfortable space for building bonds and spiritual identity, however it did not have a dedicated masjid space and was not accessible, and so our new centres were established to better serve our community alhamdulillah.
  2. MAC Noor Gardens Community Centre: The community purchased this 13-acre land in 2012 and has been working towards developing the land and building a multipurpose facility.
  3. MAC Westmount Masjid: In early 2019, this site was leased to build a congregation and team that would operate until the Noor Gardens location was constructed and ready. For more information please visit <>.
  4. MAC Hyde Park Masjid: In 2020, community consultations were carried out for a possible site in the Northwest part of the city. This venue includes a gymnasium, prayer space, and a youth space similar to the Youth Centre, and alhamdulillah the space has become a hub for our community since opening. For more information please visit <>.
  5. MAC Masonville Centre: MAC London’s goal is to support meeting qualified needs of the community in a financially prudent manner with the allocation of appropriate human resources. MAC London opened a temporary location in the north part of the city just before April 2021 until September 2021 for Ramadan to help develop Hyde Park congregation and programming. However, the community at the temporary location showed strong support for a permanent location around Masonville, which was also supported by the strong attendance of regular prayers at the temporary location. In 2022 MAC London held community consultations for this opportunity by Masonville Mall and over 90% of respondents supported the centre and deemed that it was needed. Subsequently, the teams opened the centre on a trial basis for Ramadan 2022, and again there was substantial support and request to keep it open. Hence, it was agreed to reopen the centre as a longer term centre for the community, subject to sufficient financial support from the community.
  6. MAC Al-Furqan Quran School: MAC has a great reputation for esteemed Islamic Schools across the country. In 2022 we have been blessed to open the doors of MAC London’s first Full-time school: MAC Al-Furqan Quran School. Al-Furqan School is a private, not-for-profit Islamic School, licensed by the Ministry of Education. The school strives to graduate students who demonstrate impeccable Islamic character along with advanced academic skills. The goal is to help students memorize and review the entire Quran from Grades 4 to 8, as well as provide them with strong academic training in Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Geography, History, Art and Physical Education. Students are taught to gain independence and a sense of responsibility in their own success to become our future Muslim leaders. While Al Furqan London was established in 2022, Al Furqan Ottawa has been successfully running for over a decade and its program has been implemented in multiple MAC schools around the country. Classes are capped at 10 students. This allows us to get to know each student really well and focus on their education and character development. For more info check or email

MAC London prioritizes building people and as such started its efforts without any institutional spaces at all. The various projects the team has been involved in are directly connected to the needs and consultations with the community. A key part of its strategy is built on the appreciation that large community centres are a heavy investment and not always practical or needed. Where opportunities present for smaller multifunction spaces that can be obtained at an effective lease, they are more manageable and practical for the community. Large ‘anchor’ centres are still needed as we need schools and larger facilities that act as hubs especially in areas highly concentrated with muslim population. We hope Noor Gardens will be one such facility that will be developed in phases over time inshallah. Finally, the MAC London team works closely with local community leaders and muslim institutions to ensure all institutions compliment one another for the benefit of the overall community and ensure resources are utilized in an efficient manner.

We thought we were stretching the community when we opened MYC in 2006, and also Westmount in 2019, and then with Hyde Park temporary locations in 2021. However, these projects were quickly owned by the community through attendance, funding, and volunteering. We are observing that our community is growing and so are its needs and the potential to support multiple projects. Alhamdulillah, we have had very good feedback and the community is very thankful of investments we have made together so far. Nevertheless, our resources are limited and we seek to ensure there is appropriate consultation, engagement and collaboration for every major decision as we move forward inshallah.

The youth department had plans to have youth camps in 2021 but instead they were only able to host BBQs and some social events due to Covid restrictions. There are active plans to have a camp in summer 2022, as well as other social/spiritual events. Inshallah the new space at Hyde Park Masjid also allows the team more flexibility in terms of programming.

There are many active programs that you can participate in and we need more volunteers to help plan and establish youth programs. You can reach us at while specifying that you would like to work with youth.

2. Noor Gardens

Our community acquired the land in 2012, and it is important to consider the journey we have been on to appreciate the scale of this project and its delays. The delays are frustrating for everyone that includes community members, volunteers, and those leading the project, and yet, we remain committed to overcome the challenges inshallah. Below are some of the key reasons that have contributed to delays:

  • Unserviced land that needed rezoning: The community bought the land for a very small price of about $1.2M (for 13 acres in an amazing location, what a blessing!). However it is expensive to develop land because of its size and the fact that the land was not zoned and there are no water, gas, electric, and sanitary services on site. The factors also add time to construction because all of these aspects have to be carefully planned and engineered before construction.
  • Community consultations: A key principle that the project leaders upheld was community consultations. This also meant that in the initial design we tried to do a lot to make everyone happy, a goal that was not feasible due to the rising construction costs. As a result the team has been reassessing the design to phase elements of construction over different phases and yet have a first phase that adequately meets the present needs of the community.
  • Limited sanitation systems capacity: Due to the fast growth in the area, the project was not able to obtain sanitation capacity from the city. The project had the option of waiting till the city brought services along Bradley Rd or building massive and expensive in-ground sewage/septic tanks. Alhamdulillah, the city finally brought additional sewage services capacity that the project can tap into by the junction of Bradley Avenue and Wonderland Road in 2022. Further development is still needed to take this capacity west along Bradley Avenue and north into the land.
  • Developments in the construction industry: The project team had hired professionals to help plan costs for the project, however, their cost estimates were significantly under the tender price contractors quoted the project for. This was at least partially due to the rapid developments in the construction industry, and the inability of the professionals hired to prioritize the cost target as directed by the project leads. The Noor Gardens team also learned that a complex project like this needed to be tackled in stages and the price of the project and timelines need to be even more strictly emphasized to remain consistent with community expectations.
  • Financials: The target price for the first phase of this project is around $12M. The team has raised some of these funds (around $2M), however, in developing the land and first phase it must plan the financial aspects of the project as well to ensure sufficient funds are available to bring the project to completion and avoid stalling of construction.

Yes, we are re-assessing the designs to try and reduce costs wherever possible without compromising the vision we had for the project and the impact it will have inshaAllah. Part of the strategy is to consider a single story design and delay certain elements to later phases that are not as urgent. The current plan is for the team to analyze the phasing of the project and execute on a plan that still gives us the original Noor Gardens vision while striking a balance between feasibility and functionality for our community.

We are currently working on finalizing an updated design with the help of the architects and engineers. It is also difficult to estimate how long it will take to obtain the sharia-compliant financing. The contractor selection process is a time-consuming process to finalize. We want to proceed with care and diligence to a target groundbreaking as soon as possible, and we will provide updates as we go along. Alhamdulillah, Westmount and Hyde Park give us some breathing room while we continue to push hard on Noor Gardens.

This large land is a gift from Allah (swt) to us for many projects that may be realized in later phases by future generations such as a school, senior housing, community centre, affordable housing, etc. The Noor Gardens land, its servicing, and the phase 1 construction is the foundation of being able to realize the vision of fulfilling these future needs of the community. Noor Gardens will also form another anchoring institution for our community at large, while smaller masjids such as Hyde Park will supplement with covering the neighbourhood specific needs.

No, each institution has a separate account and funds are dedicated for the purpose for which they are collected. The project will be built with the help of Allah (swt) and the continued commitment of the community. We have secured the ownership of the land and once we have sufficient funding and approvals we will construct the buildings as well inshallah.

Alhamdulillah we do have some good updates we would like to share at the Fundraising Dinner on April 8, 2023 as we are looking to finish the design phase, update city permits, and re-tender for construction.

3. Westmount Masjid

The Westmount Masjid committee and Imam Abdulkarim Sekta have been working hard in new and effective programs as well as continuing existing programs to address the needs of the various community segments including youth, sisters, and brother. This includes the Quran kids program that helps students understand and memorize the holy Quran, Friday Family Circle, other halaqas, and various weekend school classes. Please visit our website or join our community whatsapp group for the Masjid to learn more about current and upcoming programs.

Alhamdulillah, after initial fundraising to cover the interior renovation of the facility, Westmount has been able to run in a predominantly self-sufficient model with Ramadan fundraising at the Masjid, regular donors with automatic donations, weekly jumua donations, and food sales. With the growing use and programming offered, Westmount Masjid is able to generate some operational income. MAC Westmount now also has more staff to support the growing needs of the community and now has operational costs of about $36,000 per month. To sustain the masjid we need more monthly automatic withdrawal donations as well as one time donations so we can plan operations effectively. We have an ongoing fundraising campaign at the moment we strongly encourage you to support generously at <>.

Imam Abdulkarim Sekta is available in his office usually before or after any of the regular daily prayers, and can also be reached via email at

The MAC London team has looked into taking funds from the MYC sale to invest into the plaza, however there are no plans to move in this direction at the moment. We will continue to update the community if there are any changes to plans on how community funds will be used.

We need your help to strengthen this masjid into a hub for the community and you come and visit for any daily prayers to connect with the committee members about opportunities. You can also speak with Imam Abdulkarim Sekta and help out with the various weekly programs taking place at the Westmount Masjid. Finally, you can join our volunteers whatsapp group for the Westmount Masjid at <>.

Updates are posted regularly regarding upcoming programs and activities on the Westmount Masjid whatsapp community group. Please feel free to join the group at <>.

4. MAC Hyde Park Masjid

With the success of the Westmount Masjid, MAC London saw an opportunity to serve the community through smaller neighborhood masajid rather investing substantial resources into a single space at once. The idea of a masjid to serve the community in northwest London started in 2019, and after internal assessments was then announced to the community via a townhall for consultation. After obtaining communal support, design work started in 2020 with construction starting in 2021.

Much of the programming offered at Westmount Masjid, such as a weekend school, daily prayers, and weekly halaqas are also established at the Hyde Park Masjid. Alhamdulillah with the availability of the gymnasium and the youth centre with activities on the second, there are more options for the nature of programming that cater to different community segments. Finally, our full time Furqan school uses the facility on a daily basis. Please join our whatsapp groups to get the latest updates.

You can learn about the construction details for the Hyde Park Masjid by visiting the website <>, and selecting the construction page <>. Please note after initial construction costs estimated and posted on the website, the team has spent considerable funds for various aspects of the centre (gym furnishings, school equipment, commercial kitchen, etc.) which were increased in cost due to supply chain issues and inflation caused by COVID. As of March 2023 around $292,000 is still outstanding from the construction effort. We have an ongoing fundraising campaign at the moment we strongly encourage you to support generously at <>.

The Hyde Park financial model is very similar to that of the Westmount model. The initial investment made by the community for the interior construction of the facility (gym, prayer hall, kitchen, youth lounge, classrooms, offices, and washroom) of about $1.4M, with a further $925,000 investment in the ownership of the plaza to generate revenue and offset rental obligations. Westmount is able to run in a predominantly self-sustaining model with Ramadan fundraising, regular donors with automatic donations, and weekly jumua donations and food sales, and we are aiming the same for Hyde Park. The investment in the plaza will further help the self-sufficiency model of the Hyde Park mosque in the long run with monthly investment income. However, unlike Westmount, due to the larger facility (gym, commercial kitchen, full-time school, increased parking), and greater number of programs offered by centre, monthly operational costs are also higher around $52,000. As new Masjid Hyde Park does not have sufficient monthly donors yet. Moreover, as of March 2023 $292,000 of the construction obligations still remain outstanding. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO KEEP THIS SUCCESSFUL MASJID RUNNING. We have an ongoing fundraising campaign at the moment we strongly encourage you to support generously at <>.

The plaque is being placed with the permission of the closest relatives of #OurLondonFamily victims who were taken from us in a brutal islamophobia incident. The community would like the family to be remembered in connection with this Masjid for the follow reasons:

  • The tragic incident that shook our community took place just a couple of hundred meters from the site of the Hyde Park Masjid.
  • It is hoped that this masjid and the plaque raised will serve as a reminder for the rest of the community for the commitment and sacrifice needed to protect our future with love and pride and not accept hate and division.
  • The family was a proud supporter of the Hyde Park Masjid and participated in the recent Ramadan programs because of the proximity to their home and to help instill a strong and proud sense of islamic identity in their children.
  • The family loved Canada as their home, and would speak of how such institutions are the best safety mechanism for our community’s future in this land. This was further embodied by them through their strong attachment and presence in local muslim institutions.

Yes, the two mosques will have the same essential services, however, they will also have a different flavor to cater to different needs. For example, Hyde Park has a large gymnasium that allows for very different programming. Moreover, schedules will be maintained to ensure best use of resources and availability of programming and services to the community.

Imam Louai AlIbrahimi is available in his office usually before or after any of the regular daily prayers.

Inshallah when the Hyde Park Masjid opens we will need a lot of help to build this masjid into a hub for the community and you will be able to connect with the committee members about opportunities. You can also meet committee members at the weekly jumua service that takes place at the Greek Canadian Community Centre and help out with the service while construction continues on the Hyde Park Masjid. Finally, you can join our volunteers whatsapp group for the Hyde Park Masjid at <>.

Updates are posted regularly regarding upcoming programs and other updates including construction on the Hyde Park Masjid whatsapp community group. Please feel free to join the group at <>.

5. MAC Youth Centre Sale

The decision to sell the MYC was reached after consultations that included community meetings for multiple reasons. The MYC posed challenges with accessibility to the centre, as well as it had limited space and insufficient parking space for our events and essential daily prayers. Furthermore, the community’s growth made it imperative to find a larger space to accommodate our community events and services. When we moved programs to Westmount Masjid, we were not able to find tenants to rent the second floor space either so keeping the building was costing the community despite some rental income from other spaces. Finally, the financial benefit of investing in Hyde Park was much more prudent and beneficial for the community.

The MYC was purchased in 2006 for around $720,000 with around $80,000 in renovations. It was paid for over a 5-year period through a Vendor-Take-Back loan. The MYC was sold for about $2M early 2021, alhamdulillah.

So far half of the funds of the MYC sale have been allocated to invest into the Hyde Park Masjid plaza to provide a source of income and offset the costs of rent. The remaining half of the funds are also allocated for capital costs. The MYC generated income to support community programs and many people who donated to MYC want the money from the MYC sale to continue to be used for generating income and supporting community programs. The MAC London team will continue to seek consultation and keep the community updated on how these funds will be utilized for capital investment in the future of our community, inshallah.

6. MAC Masonville Centre

MAC London opened a temporary location in the north part of the city just before April 2021 until September 2021 for Ramadan to help develop Hyde Park Masjid congregation and programming, while the Hyde Park Masjid was under construction. However, the community at the temporary location showed strong support for a permanent location around Masonville, which was also supported by the strong attendance of regular prayers at the temporary location. In 2022 MAC London held community consultations for this opportunity by Masonville Mall and over 90% of respondents supported the centre and deemed that it was needed. Subsequently, the teams opened the centre on a trial basis for Ramadan 2022, and again there was substantial support and request to keep it open. Hence, it was agreed to reopen the centre as a longer term centre for the community, subject to sufficient financial support from the community.

Much of the programming offered at Westmount Masjid, such as a weekend school, daily prayers, and weekly halaqas are also planned for Masonville. A key focus will be maintained on providing education programs for children. There are also considerations for a social area to allow youth (especially those attending Western university) to come and utilize the space.

We are committed long term to establishing MAC Masonville Centre in North and Northeast area. We are looking to use the current space for at least the next three years inshallah. However, thereafter the space may not be available and we have an alternative location in the same plaza that we may utilize. Alternatively, the community find another suitable place that will better serve the needs of the community. Hence, although the team plans to maintain a centre in the area, it may make a few moves based on opportunities until a permanent location is found. As such, capital costs will be kept to minimal and at the moment there are just plans to add a second washroom and some walls to make room for classrooms, which is anticipated to cost around $50,000. Please visit the project page at We have an ongoing fundraising campaign at the moment we strongly encourage you to support generously at <>.

The Masonville financial model is very similar to that of the Westmount model. Westmount is able to run in a predominantly self-sustaining model with Ramadan fundraising, regular donors with automatic donations, and weekly jumua donations. Revenues are generated through centre programming and classes and Friday food sales. We have an ongoing fundraising campaign at the moment we strongly encourage you to support generously at <>.

Please come and visit your centre and meet the present staff and volunteers for opportunities. You can join our volunteer whatsapp group for the Masonville at <>.

Updates are posted regularly regarding upcoming programs and other updates including construction on the Hyde Park Masjid whatsapp community group. Please feel free to join the group at <>.

7. MAC Al-Furqan Quran School London

We were able to open the school because of the gymnasium at Hyde Park Masjid. We are looking into additional space and grades and currently plan to increase one grade per year so the school will eventually be from grade 4 to grade 8. We also hope that inshallah when Noor Gardens is built we will have many more options for increasing school capacity.

As a new school it does not have a lot of donor support yet and it primarily relies on student tuition fees. However, these tuition fees aren’t sufficient as class sizes are intentionally kept small (10 students per class) due to the intense demands of Quran memorization. We have an ongoing fundraising campaign at the moment we strongly encourage you to support generously at <>.


If you do not find answers to your question here you may contact us at

Jazakum Allah khair, Please keep us in your duaa.

MAC London Team

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