
The Outreach Department’s objective is to activate the community using the fundamentals of mercy and service in Islam, “…indeed, I will make upon earth a successive authority…”(Baqara, Ayat 30). It Muslim Canadian identity through the encouragement of Islamic conduct, leadership, and camaraderie in engagement and giving back to the larger community.

MAC Give

MAC Give is a project of MAC Outreach Committee that is responsible for designing and executing its philanthropic activities. The aim of MAC Give is “to instil an altruistic sense of social responsibility in Canadian Muslim Youth and to be at the forefront of philanthropic work in Canada”, though

  • general education and development in philanthropy and social responsibility for Canadian Muslim Community
  • youth involvement at all levels of organization·
  • establishing a good relationship with different Canadian organizations working for similar social causes as MAC Give by collaboration in causes and events
  • establishing MAC as a recognized and benchmark actor in philanthropic work in Canada

Some of the activities under MAC Give include; Toy Drive, Tree planting, Food Bank Drive and Soup Kitchens, Shelters, Blood Donor Clinic, Clothes Drive, Live to Give Campaign, Interfaith Dialogue, Islamic History Month and Open Houses, Aboriginal Community events and Orange Shirt Day, Black History Month, vigils and rallies related to local and International issues, and join events with other not-for-profit organizations (YMCA, United Way, Islamic Relief, etc.

Single Sessions

The Singles Support Committee (SSC) organizes sessions for Muslim singles to find a spouse based on Islamic teachings, and with consideration for the Canadian social context. The sessions typically take place on a quarterly basis and takes pride in providing a safe and private space for singles in the community to meet other singles with mature facilitation, networking, group breakout sessions, and addressing of key subject matters by leaders such as Dr. Munir El-Kasem and Sr. Selma Abugideiri (Licensed Professional Counselor).

Eid Prayer and Festival

A key part of the Outreach Department mandate is to provide bring to life the festival and celebratory spirit of the two annual Eid celebrations. The committee works closely with the other institutions in the city to bring the entire community and cater to the needs to the community in the different parts of the city.

Spiritual Journey Conference

The Spiritual Journey Conference (SJC) was first establish in 2016 and has been held annually to bring the community together have relevant speakers address important matters being face by the community. In addition to a full-fledged program (lectures, workshops), the conference offers various events throughout the day to cater towards the diverse needs of our community including a Bazaar, Halal Food, Child Care, and booths from leading national and local organizations in community.

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