Chapter Youth Department

With an estimated 15,000 to 20,000 Muslim youth in the London area, the Chapter Youth Department (CYD) seeks to provide services and development programs to youth in the city. The goal of this team is to empower and activate the youth by bringing Islam into the lives of each age group and engaging them into relevant programs, and hence develop responsible and proud Muslims that are positive contributors to society.

High School

The High School team works to engage and develop programs for high school students, which include; Brothers’ Youth Group (BYG), Sisters’ Youth Group (SYG), Summer Camp, halaqas, MSA Networking, competitions, and much more.


The University/College team works to engage and develop programs in collaboration with the Western University and Fanshawe College. In addition to helping the Muslim Students Associations with leadership support, halaqas, and Friday prayer services, the team also provides crucial programs such as summer retreat camps, qiyams, career networking, and many opportunities to get involved and help serve the broader community.

EMAAN Awards

The Education Muslim Achievement Awards Night (EMAAN) is an annual event hosted by the team since the year 2002 to recognize and empower deserving youth in the community. The awards are distributed to high school, college, and university students, as well young professionals who have achieved success through their hardwork and dedication. The award categories include; academics, community service and leadership, sports, arts, literature, and Quranic memorization.

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