MAC Youth Calgary

What is MAC Youth?

Youth Open Halaqat

Halaqa 1
Halaqa 2
Halaqa 3

The MAC Youth open halaqat are groups of youth of similar ages that meet together on a weekly basis to discuss topics and learn Islam in a safe friendly environment. Halaqat focus on instilling good Islamic character, community service, and building active Muslims.

MAC Youth Programs
Currently Open for Registration

MAC Youth NE
MAC Islamic School (64 12 St NE)

Brothers' Night Out

Bi-Weekly Saturdays
5 PM to 8 PM
Junior High Brothers

MAC Youth NW
Al-Salam Centre (6415 Ranchview Drive NW)

Brothers' Tajweed Classes

Every Monday
Brothers JH, HS, and University
6:15 PM to 7:30 PM

Brothers' Coding Club

December 21, 22, 27, & 28
JH & HS Brothers
4 PM to 6 PM

Sisters' Coding Club

December 21, 22, 27, & 28
JH & HS Sisters
4 PM to 6 PM

Winter Day Camp

December 23-26
Grades 1 to 6
9:30 AM to 3:30 PM

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